Hearing Faces and Seeing Voices: The Integration and Interaction of Face and Voice Processing


  • Sarah V Stevenage Department of Psychology, University of Southampton
  • Greg J Neil Department of Psychology, University of Southampton




voice processing, face processing, identification, integration of processes


Cognitive understanding of voice recognition has borrowed much from the area of face processing, both in terms of the theoretical framework within which results are interpreted, and the methodology used to assess performance. A considerable body of research now exists to suggest that voice recognition may proceed in parallel with face recognition, and that the two pathways may combine to inform person recognition. However, rather than being independent or equivalent, these parallel pathways appear to interact to reveal interesting interference effects. The present paper reviews a series of studies that focus on a considerable and growing literature. The vulnerability of voice processing will be explored relative to face processing, and the interaction of these two pathways will be examined with reference to broader theoretical frameworks for person recognition.


