The Factor Structure, Predictors, and Percentile Norms of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) Scale in the Dutch-speaking Adult Population of Belgium


  • Qian Wu KU Leuven
  • Yasemin Erbas KU Leuven
  • Annette Brose KU Leuven
  • Peter Kuppens KU Leuven
  • Rianne Janssen KU Leuven



depression, the CES-D, second-order factor, MIMIC, percentile norms


The Center of Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) is a commonly used self-report scale to measure depressive symptoms in the general population. In the present study, the Dutch version of the CES-D was administered to a sample of 837 Dutch-speaking adults of Belgium to examine the factor structure of the scale. Using confirmatory factory analysis (CFA), four first-order models and two second-order models were tested, and the second-order factor model with three pairs of correlated error terms provided the best fit to the data. Second, five socio-demographic variables (age, gender, education level, relation status, and family history of depression) were included as covariates to the second-order factor model to explore the associations between background characteristics and the latent factor depression using a multiple indicators and multiple causes (MIMIC) approach. Age had a significantly negative effect on depression, but the effect was not substantial. Female gender, lower education level, being single or widowed, and having a family history of depression were found to be significant predictors of higher levels of depression symptomatology. Finally, percentile norms on the CES-D raw scores were provided for subgroups of gender by education level for the general Dutch-speaking adult population of Belgium.

Author Biographies

Qian Wu, KU Leuven

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Yasemin Erbas, KU Leuven

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Annette Brose, KU Leuven

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Peter Kuppens, KU Leuven

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Rianne Janssen, KU Leuven

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences






Research Article