Assessing Hospital Physicians' Acceptance of Clinical Information Systems: A Review of the Relevant Literature


  • Bram Pynoo Ghent University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences – Department of Educational Studies
  • Pieter Devolder Ghent University Hospital – Radiology and Medical Imaging
  • Tony Voet Ghent University Hospital – IT Department
  • Bart Sijnave Ghent University Hospital – IT Department
  • Paul Gemmel Ghent University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Management, nnovation and entrepreneurship
  • Wouter Duyck Ghent University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences – Department of Educational Studies
  • Johan van Braak Ghent University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences – Department of Educational Studies
  • Philippe Duyck AZ Nikolaas



In view of the tremendous potential benefits of clinical information systems (CIS) for the quality of patient care; it is hard to understand why not every CIS is embraced by its targeted users, the physicians. The aim of this study is to propose a framework for assessing hospital physicians' CIS-acceptance that can serve as a guidance for future research into this area. Hereto, a review of the relevant literature was performed in the ISI Web-of-Science database. Eleven studies were withheld from an initial dataset of 797 articles. Results show that just as in business settings, there are four core groups of variables that influence physicians' acceptance of a CIS: its usefulness and ease of use, social norms, and factors in the working environment that facilitate use of the CIS (such as providing computers/workstations, compatibility between the new and existing system...). We also identified some additional variables as predictors of CIS-acceptance.






Research Article